Soundings has been a trusted and familiar voice to experienced boat owners based in the Northeast since 1963. One of the most established marine titles in one of the finest cruising regions in the country, Soundings reflects the diverse interests of its active audience. Editorial is crafted for owners of both powerboats and sailboats, for those who are interested in cutting-edge technology and classic wooden yachts, for nautical history buffs and owners with an eye on future trends. The Soundings reader places a priority on time spent along the coast. We serve that interest by infusing each story with that touch of salt.
“I’ve been reading Soundings since the Earth started to cool, and I simply love every issue, particularly the Classics department. I like it so much I bought a print of the Bertram 31 from Soundings illustrator Jim Ewing. It’s hanging in my living room. Thanks for your efforts to make a great publication.”
“I have been a multi-year subscriber to Soundings. What I enjoy most about Soundings is its grassroots, somewhat organic approach to storytelling; with features about and for everyday people, or “real boaters,” as you call them. There is something for everyone in each issue, and that keeps me as a subscriber. I particularly like the features about owners and their boats, both big and small, and why they made the choices they did about the boats they float!”